How to Balance Daily Cleaning Jobs with Working from Home

daily cleaning jobs

For many of us, working from home is still the norm, and whilst this cuts out the daily commute, it does bring about a range of challenges, one of which is staying on top of daily cleaning jobs. Whilst you may be spending more time at home than ever before, this does not mean that you have more time to take care of chores, and in some cases, working from home can create more clutter and mess.

A clean and uncluttered space certainly makes for a better, more productive working environment, so it’s important to get into the habit of keeping your desk and workspaces in order. This can be as simple as taking 5 minutes at the end of the day to clear your desk, making sure any items are stored away in their rightful place. However, whilst this may tackle your workspace, there is still a range of cleaning tasks that must be taken care of. 

When work and home are the same place, it can be tough to keep a balance, but putting a plan in place to take care of house cleaning can be a big help. Investing in local house cleaning services can certainly help. By bringing in a little outside help to take on a range of cleaning tasks, it’s much easier for you to complete a few chores without affecting your working day, helping ensure you have more time to relax and spend with your family.

If you are putting together a house cleaning plan, here is our advice.

Deep cleaning

A deep clean is always a good place to start in maintaining a clean home. A thorough, full house clean helps take your home back to square one, so future cleaning tasks will be much more manageable. Needless to say, a deep clean does take time that you may be lacking, so it is worthwhile leaving this to the professionals. A house cleaning company can provide the deep cleaning service you need to make your chores more manageable.

Regular cleaning service

No matter how big or small the task, local house cleaning services can keep your house in a clean and uncluttered state. A regular clean may be just what you need to make sure your evenings and weekends are free to spend as you please. By investing in help, you’ll be able to take care of a few quick cleaning tasks throughout the day as you take a quick tea or coffee break – simply wipe down surfaces, sweep or vacuum the floor while you wait for the kettle to boil.

Flexible cleaning services

Professional cleaners understand that every person’s needs are different and can be flexible with hours and services. Choose which time of day works best for your work plans; you may wish to arrange for cleaning to be carried out while you attend a meeting, or perhaps during the afternoon if you are more likely to be making calls or video conferencing in the morning.

It’s also important to remember that domestic cleaning companies are also flexible in terms of the range of services they provide. For example, in addition to spring cleaning and regular cleaning, professional cleaners may offer professional carpet, mattress, oven and window cleaning services when you need them.

Local House Cleaning Services Near You

If you are looking for professional cleaning services to help you balance cleaning jobs with working from home, keeping a clean home environment to help you stay productive, then Domestique may be able to help. Visit to find your nearest branch.